Sturgeon Fishing

The Fraser River is famous globally for some of the best sports fishing on the planet. Sturgeon are one of the most exciting sports fishing experiences and we’ve been guiding clients to the best spots for 17 years.

Sturgeon fishing takes place here all year round. However, the prime season is from April 1st to October 31st.

Sturgeon evolved long before the dinosaurs. Their direct ancestors survived the Great Permian Extinction that killed nine out of every 10 species and soon became the dominant, big fish in every major river system in North America and Eurasia.

Roughly 150 million years ago, sturgeon settled into their current size, shape and physiology and haven’t changed their form much since. White Sturgeon can attain lengths in excess of six meters, weights of over 600 kilograms, and can live for over 150 years. Of  the five species found in Canada, only the White and Green Sturgeon occur in British Columbia. The White Sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus (“the sturgeon across the mountains”) occurs along the Pacific Coast from California to British Columbia and possibly southern Alaska. However, significant populations are confined to just three large river systems – the Sacramento, Columbia, and Fraser. From a global perspective, this is quite a restricted distribution.

The White Sturgeon is the largest and longest-lived species of freshwater fish in North America. The ancient fish is at the top of the Fraser River food web, and one of the few year-round resident species of fish in the lower Fraser River. The population of White Sturgeon in the lower Fraser River (downstream of Hell’s Gate) is a fraction of its historic levels.

Thanks to the support from funding partners and donors that make the work possible, the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society identify and address issues that affect the sturgeon in the Fraser River watershed using critical data collected through its award-winning, volunteer-driven monitoring and assessment program. In addition, they conduct public relations and communication initiatives and offers a curriculum based FRSCS Sturgeon Education Program, to promote community understanding of white sturgeon.

You can make a difference! Adopt a Sturgeon today!
